Station Post 69 kV to 230 kV

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Station Post 69 kV to 230 kV

K-Line Insulators Limited

One of the most critical assets of an electrical Transmission System is the station. Not only is this asset the heart of the supply to large electrical loads but it also serves many customers from industrial to residential. Therefore, power outages or interruptions due to insulation failures are costly and impact negatively on customer service.

With K-LINE INSULATORS LIMITED (KLI) silicone Station Post Insulators these are greatly minimized through improved performance to reliability and savings in the life cycle cost.

Silicone’s hydrophobic property allows KLI Station Post Insulators to electrically outperform ceramic insulators. The lightweight feature of polymer insulators makes them easy to handle and install. The size and fittings of polymer station insulators are compatible with existing Station Post hardware and arrangements. Experience with silicone polymer insulators has proven their superiority over ceramic insulators.

Post Catalogue